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Topic Peripheral Neuropathy Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By Newcaregiver On 2009.11.19 08:31
My pd hubby had an appointment with a new neuro at the VA. This fella diagnosed him immediately with peripheral neuropathy in addition, of course, to his PD. Do any of you have loved ones with this also? First time anyone has mentioned that. I am wondering if this is standard with PD. Thanks for any input!

By caregivermary On 2009.11.19 11:39
I don't know if it is common with PD. I do know my husb has it with no known cause. More his left side than the right and more pronounced in the feet. He has had a lot of back problems both lower and cervical.

By LOHENGR1N On 2009.11.19 19:20
Good question! I'll be interested in the responses also as I too have been dx'd with it. Take care, best of luck and hang in there.

By karolinakitty On 2009.11.20 13:12
I didn't know what this was so i went to the mayo clinic's website and found this for others not knowing what it is :

Peripheral neuropathy is caused by nerve damage. It can result from such problems as traumatic injuries, infections, metabolic problems and exposure to toxins. One of the most common causes is diabetes.


Your nervous system is divided into two broad categories. Your central nervous system consists of your brain and spinal cord. All the other nerves in your body are part of your peripheral nervous system. Peripheral neuropathy affects those nerves, which include:

Sensory nerves to receive feelings such as heat, pain or touch
Motor nerves that control how your muscles move
Autonomic nerves that control such automatic functions as blood pressure, heart rate, digestion and bladder function
Most commonly, peripheral neuropathy may start in the longest nerves — the ones that reach to your toes. Specific symptoms vary, depending on which types of nerves are affected. Signs and symptoms may include:

Gradual onset of numbness and tingling in your feet or hands, which may spread upward into your legs and arms
Burning pain
Sharp, jabbing or electric-like pain
Extreme sensitivity to touch, even light touch
Lack of coordination
Muscle weakness or paralysis if motor nerves are affected
Bowel or bladder problems if autonomic nerves are affected

Trauma or pressure on the nerve. Traumas, such as motor vehicle accidents, falls or sports injuries, can sever or damage peripheral nerves. Nerve pressure can result from using a cast or crutches, spending a long time in an unnatural position, or repeating a motion many times — such as typing.
Diabetes. When damage occurs to several nerves, the cause frequently is diabetes. At least half of all people with diabetes develop some type of neuropathy.
Vitamin deficiencies. B vitamins — B-1, B-6 and B-12 — are particularly important to nerve health. Vitamin E and niacin also are crucial to nerve health.
Alcoholism. Many alcoholics develop peripheral neuropathy because they have poor dietary habits, leading to vitamin deficiencies.
Infections. Certain viral or bacterial infections can cause peripheral neuropathy, including Lyme disease, shingles (varicella-zoster), Epstein-Barr, hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS.
Autoimmune diseases. These include lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Other diseases. Kidney disease, liver disease and an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) also can cause peripheral neuropathy.
Inherited disorders. Examples include Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and amyloid polyneuropathy.
Tumors. Growths can form directly on the nerves themselves, or tumors can exert pressure on surrounding nerves. Both cancerous (malignant) and noncancerous (benign) tumors can contribute to peripheral neuropathy.
Exposure to poisons. These may include some toxic substances, such as heavy metals, and certain medications — especially those used to treat cancer (chemotherapy).

I found the one fact interesting that "spending a long time in an unnatural postion"
As with a lot of PDrs, one side is usually more affected than the other and could see how this would put pressure on the nreves causing the PDr to develop this also.

Along with the exposure to chemicals. We just had several posts about the possibility of exposure causing PD.

Just my analytical mind at work.

Forgot several other facts ..trauma .... My man had trauma to the brain as well as the ribs legs and arms ..... and shingles .....AND was or is, whatever, an alchoholic and had B-12 deficiency due to the poor diet when he was a drunk (prior to our get together)..

However, at this point has not been daignosed with this.

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