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Topic JUST KNOWING YOU'RE THERE HELPS... Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By daisy On 2010.06.27 12:23
HI again,

Being new on this forum over the last couple of weeks, I've taken the opportunity of reading a lot of the older posts ad I must now say what has impressed me most of all are two things;

The first is the absolute strength of spirit, determination and sheer love that shines through from each caregiver and indeed PWP's for their loved ones, despite everything that has been thrust upon them. You, truly, are an amazing bunch of people and I am humbled by your experiences and how you have dealt with them.

The second is the way you have reached out to newcomers like myself and made us feel that we are part of something bigger and not so alone. It somehow makes it easier to know that somewhere, someone has gone through this nightmare and come out the far side. This is really the one thing that keeps us going.

My LO has just gone for further tests (blood/scans/psch) tests and I am worried about the outcome, but it really helps to know I've friends here for advice and support. I can't thank you all enough.

By lurkingforacure On 2010.06.27 20:30
Daisy, we all have been you, new, scared, and alone. Please stay with us as you navigate this PD journey, no two cases seem to be the same, but we all seem to deal with the issues at one time or another and the support, as you noted, is impossible to express in words.

Also the wealth of information here is invaluable, most docs don't know half of what the caregivers who are living what this disease inflicts upon their loved ones know. I hope for the best for you and your loved one, it is so scary, no matter what stage of PD one is in, since it constantly changes. Never a dull moment, as they say, although sometimes I wish for a few of those!

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