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Topic PD and Breathing Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By Darlene On 2011.04.17 19:28
This is only my second time posting on here but read all the time and it has been a big help to me with the different things that come up with PD. DX in 2001 he has developed a breathing problem that they can't figure out. He had a lung ct scan done nothing there. He had an endoscopy done found large hiatal hernia but opening that up hasn't done anything for the breathing they are going to do a stress test to check his heart but if that turns out to be nothing there does anyone have any other suggestions as to what may be going on. His PD doctor doesn''t feel its PD related and told us to see his family doctor who has been ordering the test and he can't figure out what's going on. So any help would be appreciated.


By LOHENGR1N On 2011.04.17 19:44
Hi Darlene, I'd say it could be Parkinson's related (if the tests show nothing else) ask the Doctor if they think it could be related to the autonomic nervous system which controls our breathing, heart rate, blood pressure etc, everything our bodies do without thinking about. Parkinson's Disease affects these things also. So I'd run it by the Doctors again. It seems many times Doctors won't divulge these things thinking they're giving less things for patient and family to worry about by withholding such information. When in fact patients and family can deal better with these things knowing the causes instead of worrying about another thing going on different from PD. I hope this helps. Take care, best of luck and hang in there.

By Darlene On 2011.04.17 20:03
Thanks LO I think I will mention that to both his doctors. That gives me something to go on.

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