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Topic Adult Day Programs for PWP Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By mytngenes On 2013.02.22 15:12
I'm looking for information and ideas about what's out there in the form of adult day programs for younger people with Parkinson's. By "younger" I mean under 70 years of age. What kinds of activities/programs are available to provide socialization, exercise and mental stimulation for younger people with limited medication monitoring and "care" during the daytime hours? I'm searching for something more than "card games, quilting and chair exercises". Is there such a thing?

I've been checking around in my area and cannot find anything other than "senior citizen" type centers/programs.

I appreciate any input.

By jcoff012 On 2013.02.22 17:57
Hi, I will be better to respond after next Saturday, as my husband and I are attending our local Area on Aging and community resources seminar at our Parkinson's monthly meeting. My husband is only 65 and we are the youngest couple there, so I will find out who or what is available and you can see if it applies to your area. We live north of Santa Rosa, CA.

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