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Topic Christmas Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By Freespirit On 2014.12.29 08:29
Whew! Boy, am I glad that's over. Not a grinch, but you know how it is. . . :)

By mylove On 2014.12.29 09:41
Oh yes....

So bad that everyone is calling their therapist for an emergency appointment this week, the PWP will need three weeks to recover, there's nothing left in the house for the next week but ramen, and we were half tempted to undecorate the house right into the recycle bin.

Officially done with Christmas, extended family, and large holidays in general. I'm still having nightmares and we are seriously considering selling this house and getting something so small no one can come visit.

I hope everyone else's Christmas was at least heartwarming, if exhausting. Really not trying to be the Grinch either, but this is the one place I know people would understand. I'm dreading going back to work today with 1,001 iterations of "awww, how was your Christmas?" :(

By LOHENGR1N On 2014.12.29 10:12
By the time I semi-recover they'll be changing the time and I'll have to try to adjust to that all over again.

By jcoff012 On 2014.12.29 19:57
Funny, but I was lamenting taking down our decorations....this morning, I was just going to put away a few things...8 hours later, half the house is packed up! Still have the tree, the upstairs, and the porch and outside to do...

Here's another way to look at this...I cherish all of our holidays together...whenever I got/get down about all of the preparations and fuss, I imagine what the house will be like without see, it was Christmas that helped us get through our daughter's death...we threw all we had into it, changed how we decorate and made new wishes for our family.

I think what you are saying is what a lot of folks say...the holidays become overwhelming if you let them...We solved that this year...the Monday before Christmas, we drove up the coast and had a nice lunch...the deal talk of kids,grandkids or Christmas...just a nice day was refreshingly wonderful!

By Freespirit On 2014.12.29 21:28
I love our Christmas tree and other decorations. I love celebrating Christmas for its real meaning. I love and cherish every day I have with my husband, including the holidays.
Shopping, cooking, wrapping, and entertaining are what I could do without. . .

By LOHENGR1N On 2014.12.29 22:26
I don't think anyone is saying we don't like the holiday, just saying it is stressful. That being said it is a relief it is passed to many. And to many of us PWP it will take time to recover. Caregivers stress about the holiday and about how it is effecting Us patients. But hey we're entitled to a sigh of relief we made it through semi-intact. Many families have known grief in this season and know pouring out an effort for loved ones to make the season more enjoyable. Putting the grief aside or surpressing it. As the first post stated whew.

By mylove On 2014.12.29 23:27
Boy, hit the nail on the head. I'm not going to drag this post down with my own story, but...all of this, yes.

By Lynnie2 On 2015.01.01 09:28
I know Christmas can be stressful and added to my husband who has Parkinson's, he is facing the possibly of lung cancer and he's had tests before and now after Christmas.
However, the good side about Christmas this year is that our youngest daughter and family made a surprise visit on Boxing Day. It actually hinged on the weather and I knew there was a possibility that they were coming, but she wanted to surprise her dad.
He was really surprised and I think it did him a load of good to have everyone home, when we thought we'd just had our other daughter.
So they stayed until Sunday, so we had a good time and my son-in-law even did some chores that I was unable to do and our daughter installed
Netflex and the Bluetooth on our car,

I was even surprised by my sister coming before the other surprise visit, so it was a good holiday after all.
We still don't know the results of one biopsy and he's having another biopsy this week, but we just have to take one step at a time.......(I keep having to remind myself to not get ahead).

I hope you can see the good side of Christmas next year. We seem to forget the real purpose for Christmas and get wrapped up in buying presents and having parties and baking, seem to take over.
I didn't make cookies this year as we have so many left over.
Our neighbor brought over a plate and our daughter made some cookies, so that was enough. I made cherry cheesecake which was enjoyed.
I did make fudge and peanut brittle in the microwave for various friends and neighbors, so that was enjoyable and a little break from appointments.
They tell me they eat the peanut brittle in one
Our church had a Candlelight service on Christmas Eve, but my husband wasn't up to going though however he went on Sunday and the guest speaker played his guitar and we sang Christmas carols and he told the story of Christmas and Jesus in between.
He than gave a great sermon. He was actually a friend of my daughter's in highschool and he went through for the ministry and was glad to see us after all these years.
Many some of you aren't into religion but that is what is getting me through and with the help of friends who offer their assistance is a comfort at this time.
I know God is watching over us and whatever happens, I often ask him to give me strength when I feel over whelmed. It's hard and I know God has his plans for us which I really don't want to know, but the journey continues and we need to be strong.

By mylove On 2015.01.01 21:22
Lynn, that's beautiful! I'm so happy you guys had some joy for Christmas, even in the midst of all the challenges.

We had some extraneous difficulty this year that makes me say what I did. It isn't Christmas per se, but a bunch of horrible family members who made things really really difficult for us, even knowing how their actions would affect him, up to weeks later. Next year, we are planning to go away for the holidays, and maybe then we can recapture the spirit! :).

Thanks for sharing. I am SO glad things were good for you guys!

By carman96 On 2015.01.01 22:21
I am glad the holidays are over. It's overwhelming. Not to say we didn't have a good Christmas, but having to do everything myself and also be watching my husband every second, it's exhausting.

By umajane On 2015.01.02 16:52
We decided to leave the Christmas scene and family with a very beautiful and relaxing time at a rented house on the coast. With our dog and good friends it was peaceful and easy.
Our kids were all busy with their families and we are now visiting with each of our 5 families one family at a time or they are coming to us. Hopefully we will do the same next year but will stay even longer god willing.

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