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Topic Just need a virtual hug tonight Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By makrivah On 2016.07.09 22:35
Nothing earth shattering happening. Just a tough day. I'm so sad. Need some virtual hugs of understanding. PD is such a dreadful disease. I hate what it is doing to the love of my life and husband of 46 years.

By LOHENGR1N On 2016.07.09 22:44

By flowers12 On 2016.07.09 23:21
(((HUG))) I've had a difficult day also. I feel your sadness and frustration.

By LOHENGR1N On 2016.07.09 23:54
(((hug))) 2u2

By VioletV On 2016.07.10 01:29
Oh Makrivah,
Many many hugs, and holding you in the Light.
The grieving seems to hit so hard. When you don't expect it. And it is so very sad, I know.
Pace yourself. Love yourself, and know that you have us as fellow travelers on this lonely path.
<<<Makrivah >>>

By jcoff012 On 2016.07.10 20:58

By Mary556 On 2016.07.11 23:19
hope today was better for you, Makrivah. I remember you in a prayer.

By Trusting On 2016.07.13 21:00
Here is my hug for you. We all need one from time to time. We are here for you. Blessings.

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