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Topic Florida driver's license help Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By Florida On 2016.10.13 19:49
Snow bird just moved to Florida permanently. Auto bumped into me. No damage, no injuries, no insurance claims. Investigating Sheriff asked about my handicap placard, issued from my recent state for PD. Innocently informed him it was for PD.
Two weeks later FL DMV Medical Review Board writes me informing me my driver's license is about to be revoked permamently. I submitted the requested questionaire, signed off by 6 MD's and my Primary care Pyhsician. All agreed my PD not an impediment to safe driving.
REJECTED! License being permanently revoked, unless there is a "cure" for PD. I'm also being billed $75 by FL DMV for my revocation. Help...must be others out there that have met and overcome this bias. "Tremors, weakness, stiffness, gait disturbances, neuro medications, any degenerative neurological condition grounds for revocation". Help.

By LOHENGR1N On 2016.10.14 18:47
Many states have have different laws and conditions governing the privilege of having a driving licence. If that is the state law I would imagine that no insurance carrier would insure you either. I'd contact your counsel on aging or you could try your state American Parkinson's Disease Association any of the others organisations to see if they can guide you to any help.

By Florida On 2016.10.14 19:46
Sincere thank you for comforting me. Kind of lonely out here labeled "Parkie".
Florida counsel contacted and said "once an Officer flags PD, the Medical Review board always rejects "clearance letters" from MDs. It is what it is. My former home state Atty. has a remedy, legal, but makes me feel like a criminal. Impossible to take the high road in some states.
May I thank both state's insurance practices. Driving history trumps pre existing medical. My FL license was stamped "SAFE DRIVER". Identified as a Parkie by closed.

By jcoff012 On 2016.10.14 21:14
Not sure l understand DID get your license?

My husband has to go back to CADMV every two years for a personal interview to keep his license. It is nerve wracking, but so far so good...he is almost 69.

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