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Topic Protein Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By flowers12 On 2018.01.19 13:53
I've been having to really watch the protein my hubby eats these last few months. Protein didn't have an affect on his meds for years but all of a sudden it really is obvious that it does. I've switched him from whole milk to almond milk and that seems to work. It's so darn difficult to find something to feed him that has little protein. Is there an approximate number of protein that seems to have no affect? Yesterday he had 11 grams of protein for lunch and he had an hour long off time. I'm thinking of trying the Apokyn injections to see if it will work for him.

By greyeyed123 On 2018.01.19 20:09
Protein seems to affect my mom more and more also. Her nutrition isn't great, so I generally let her eat what she wants when she wants...which isn't often much anyway.

I've read that timing the protein intake between meds may help, but I've never been able to do that very well. She can't remember to do it, and when she requests something specific to eat, I just make it because she doesn't request much (or feel much like eating) very often anyway.

I feel like I'm juggling a dozen flaming swords, and the protein thing is just another sword added to the mix.

There were a couple of instances where I thought I noticed she did much better the NEXT day after eating a lot of protein, but it may have just been a fluke (I think I got her to eat a steak a couple of years ago, but she won't eat steak anymore because of the difficulty in swallowing it). I'm not sure. Certainly she doesn't do great after a eating a lot of protein the same day.

By flowers12 On 2018.01.19 20:30
Yes, the timing of protein to Sinemet is really hard when my hubby never seems to get up at a regular time anymore and once he's up and gets his pills and shower he goes back to sleep and then I'm just feeding him when he does wake up. He has a really good appetite and seems to love all with lots of protein but I try to keep to low protein.

I've kept a diary for the last few months with times of pills, what he eats and what his off times are and how long they last. When I look back at all of it I really can not see a clue to why he's having so many off times. The neuro has adjusted his meds a few times and added the Sinemet ER at nighttime. It's so exhausting trying to get my hubby to being ok. I hate this damn disease!

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