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Topic Bathroom Accidents Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By minime On 2018.03.04 14:08
I am caring for my husband and quite honestly, cleaning up after him in the bathroom is getting to me. The adult diapers don't always hold the mess. Sorry for the gross post but I am literally have a shitty weekend because of this problem. Someone help before I lose it.

By flowers12 On 2018.03.04 14:44
I know just what you're dealing with. Last week I had two days of what I called a "shit fest". I've gotten pretty good at being able to pull down the depends a little and sit my hubby on the toilet then carefully cut off the depends while being able to keep the mess in them. I don't know what to do about it either, just have to clean it up. If he has very loose bowels I put an extra big pad inside the back of the depends and that does keep the mess pretty contained. I try to remind myself that he can't help it.

Sending you HUGS and patience.

By lurkingforacure On 2018.03.04 17:19
This doesn't work for us, but is there a pattern to your husband's toileting? If there is, you could try setting him on the toilet around the time he normally goes, and see if that would help.

We also keep scissors handy because it is less messy to cut the depends off instead of sliding them to the floor and trying to get your husband to step out of them without getting poop everywhere.

Clorox wipes, also, lots of them! Oh, and keep your husband's fingernails short-I don't know how, but my husband gets poop under his nails if they are just the slightest bit long. It's awful and horribly unsanitary because he can't get his hands clean with poop lodged under the nail. He won't trim his own nails so I do it, but at least it cuts down on the sanitation issues.

By moonswife On 2018.03.04 21:51 fingernails....gotcha. I made my husband wash the dishes (prewash before they went in dishwasher) just to get the poop out of his nails. He thought he had really helped. He more poopy nails. And cutting off pullups....heck we cut off tighty whities and boxers sometimes because it is faster.

By Lynnie2 On 2018.03.15 16:54
I also have problems if my spouse can't get to the toilet on time, so it makes it difficult to travel too far.
I have to make sure I know where a handicapped toilet is located in our travels.
I have baby wipes near the toilet at home and also medical gloves so I don't get the mess on my hands.
At night I put an extra pad on the disposable briefs as sometimes it soaks through.
I help him use the urinal if he's able to get awake before an accident happens.
I also have a rubber quilted pad under the bottom sheet.
I know he can't help it but makes for a long night sometimes when I have to get up several times in the night.
I know what you girls are going through and it isn't easy.

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