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Topic inhaler/inbrija Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By greyeyed123 On 2019.03.09 22:36
Has anyone tried this? It was approved in December or January, and is a form of inhaled levodopa to reduce off time.

From what I'm reading, though, it seems it begins to work after 60 minutes. That's usually how long it takes for my mom's pills to kick in. I was under the impression when I first heard of this that it was more immediate.

Her neuro has suggested Rytary in the past, but said it's expensive and may not be more effective. But he also said one patient he had was doing very well on it. (It's apparently a slow release form of carbidopa/levodopa.)

My sense right now is that any amount of protein tends to cause her off time to get progressively worse throughout the day, no matter the timing. Even as little as 4-7 grams of protein seems to have an effect. And on days where she eats almost no protein (probably because she ate almost nothing), her off time is far less severe...although she may be weaker from lack of food...or at least that's my assumption.

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