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Topic dental surgery Go to previous topic Go to next topic Go to higher level

By karolinakitty On 2011.02.28 11:56
Ok ... the time has come for my guy to have his teeth out.... he has a tremor in his face that, the only way to describe it is, liken to shivering in the cold and chattering the teeth.
Now he has broken and chipped so many teeth in the last year our best solution is to have them all pulled out....he has had issues with infections from broken teeth, won't go to the dentist, so I've used natural things to draw out the poison.

Here's my question:

I know sometime ago we went through the anesthesia issues, but i searched and could not find the post.... someone had mentioned one that is safe for PD patients rather than the typical gas and i forgot to take note of it......
Does somebody, anybody remember what it was or who posted it so i can ask when i call for appointment?????

By overwhelmedinFL On 2011.02.28 15:21
My mom who has PD was just put under for removal of some skin cancer.

What our anesthesiolgist did was give her Propofol to just put her out for a min...then they shot her up with local stuff...then they decreased the amount of propofol and brought her back to where she could respond ..if she was in too much pain or anxiety was bothering her... my mom would be able to communicate via making a noise I guess and they would put her under a little bit more. They told me mom would be able to talk during but would not remember anything. And...she didn't.

She is a very tough transfer to her WC and I needed to be able to get her home and we were. Thank goodness.

THere is one drug they often give at the same time for nausea I think the doc said and she left that out because it is a problem with either PD or the drugs for PD... I can go find my notes if you want.

I was VERY happy with mom's pain management and the ability to snap back without hallucinating etc.

Last year she took 1/2 pill of halcion before a dental visit and she was like a ragdoll for 3 days. A very heavy ragdoll that demanded she was just find and kept trying to do things she shouldn't. That was scary.

By overwhelmedinFL On 2011.02.28 15:23
We are having more dental work done soon too...and I plan to talk to doc about using the same drugs if possible.

We are getting her cleaning adn EVERYTHING done while she is we only have to pay the 400.00 anesthesia fee one time. They could not get all her xrays due to face tremor so they will do more when she is out...and they have blocked out most of the morning in case they find more stuff so we can do it all at one time.

Poor mom...cannot wait until the pain is gone.

Is your husband on any solids anymore? If not what is the plan? Will he get dentures or go without? My mom had all molars removed and has done just fine eating without them.. But she still has all her front teeth.

By karolinakitty On 2011.03.01 07:43
Yeah he's still on solids......he want's to get at least uppers...... I have uppers and only a few front teeth on the bottom and he knows I can eat anything so I think he's gonna try at least that far....the man loves his steak too much.. :) gues when he can't have solids I'll be blending up ribeye shakes!!!!!

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